Coach Credentials

(Negotiation & Storytelling)


  • INSEAD and University of Pennsylvania Wharton School: MBA (understanding business contexts and international environment to anchor negotiation and storytelling)

  • Columbia University: Master’s in Statistics (understanding logics and effective evidence behind negotiation)

  • New York University: Bachelor’s in Communications and Media (mastering public speaking, psychology, etc.)

  • University scholar, diversity scholarship award winner, Women’s leadership award winner


  • Received 5 job offers upon graduation, and change job function, industry and geography (by effectively telling compelling stories and navigating ambiguity)

  • Received job offers from Amazon, Alibaba, Grab, private equity, management consulting, banks (by telling the right stories to the right industries)

  • Received job offers in USA, Singapore, China, Australia, Switzerland, Germany, etc. (by communicating stories knowing the right international context and cultures)

  • Fast career progression and became a Vice President after 2.5 years (by negotiating salary effectively)


  • Obtained wisdom from traveling to 192/193 countries as a solo female traveler (unlocked military blockage through effective negotiation)

  • NBC-featured author, also featured on SPH (Straits Times, Asia One, NuYou), Media Corp (CNA), Columbia University, INSEAD, etc.

  • Prestigious Award recipient by US Governor with a day named after KK (leadership)

  • Studied and worked across 8 countries (effectively navigating international business culture)

  • Financially independent since 18 years old (mastering salary negotiation, job interview)

  • Built social media channel from 0 to 4 million views (telling great stories)

Coaching Experience (Use Cases)


In the past decade, I have been an alumni admission interviewer for Columbia University undergraduate and INSEAD MBA programs. I have successfully helped dozens of students admit into their dream graduate schools by choosing the right stories to tell and delivering the stories in an effective manner.


With degrees in communications and MBA, I was a trained interviewer in big MNCs. I have been effectively helped many to tell compelling stories to receive their dream job offers, negotiate for much higher salary, obtain better performance rating at their jobs, navigate through job changes and relocation.


As a PE/VC investor and business leader in big tech companies, I also assist in teaching in the Entrepreneurship and Investing MBA course. I have coached founders receive successful fundraising rounds, CEOs on delivering public speech, sales persons on deal pitching and negotiation.

For international expansion, I also incorporate cultural and business practices as negotiation with governments and storytelling techniques to cater to international customers.

“There are 7 types of genius and intelligence. One type is called “intrapersonal intelligence”.  I’ve seen many people throughout my life as a serial entrepreneur and CEO. KK is definitely the Top 1 percentile intrapersonal genius, very intuitive, high self-awareness, and can read people very well. Whether it’d a venture capital investment reading an entrepreneur, or a business development deal knowing her customer, or counseling work coaching people.  She is amazing on those.” 

 --- A serial entrepreneur and CEO in Silicon Valley, USA

KK Success Founder’s Stories:

I grew up in an environment with no resources. My neighbors all joined #Army because we didn’t know what we could do to live a better life. 

I had no idea on how to apply for schools or jobs; nor did I have money to go to school. I worked many part-time jobs to make money to pay for my schools, including selling shoes, passing flyers on street, teaching piano, and glamorous one like runway model. I went through tons of detours to push myself eventually into Ivy League schools, prestigious MBA (now ranks world’s Top 2), and working in companies like #Amazon, #Alibaba, Grab, #PrivateEquity. Most importantly, I paid off $300,000 student loans and became financially independent!

But what really takes me to the next level as a person is… my time serving as a soldier in military, and countless scary moments overcoming challenges as one of VERY FEW solo female traveler to VISIT EVERY COUNTRY in the world (192/193 so far). I’ve accumulated lots of experiences, and become a better self, from every military training and solo trip, be it Yemen, Somalia, CAR, Afghanistan, just to name a few. 

I’ve gained so much wisdoms from successfully negotiating my way out of scariest moments with governments and military in countries like Gabon and South Sudan. I’ve been writing journals throughout my life for almost 30 yrs and still continued to reflect everyday. In fact, my business deal-making skills come from my #travels, not the other way around.

After all these, not perfect, but I’ve got to who I am today. Because of what I’ve gone through, I created my passion project to help people a better education, career, life (financially, mentally happier), by sharing my wisdoms; and help businesses win deals, negotiations and expand globally. So that you don’t have to go through all the detours that I’ve gone through. 

So far, I’ve coached 20 professionals and executives, focused on mentality, identify patterns, and a principle you can apply, so you can be fundamentally self-sufficient, but result-driven, which has shown in numerous cases: 

- One got admitted into Cambridge; 

- One executive has turned his startup from money-losing into profitable; 

- One has lived a happier life after my help on getting him into his dream job, I helped him negotiate amazing salary 

- One moved to and adapt to new country and found purpose of life 

I want to do #coaching and #SchoolCounseling to help others save detour time.

For business, I've provided expert #advisory to MNCs and #startups. 

-serve as a subject expert to Mckinsey, PE and MNCs for 3 yr

-advise on #GlobalExpansion and BD, with my geopolitical knowledge and network in 190 countries

I want to help my partners and work on global expansion, BD and negotiation.